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she became more and more beautiful中文是什么意思

用"she became more and more beautiful"造句"she became more and more beautiful"怎么读"she became more and more beautiful" in a sentence


  • 她变得越来越漂亮了。
  • "she"中文翻译    pron. 她〔人称代名词、第三人称、阴性、单数;所有格 ...
  • "became"中文翻译    become 的过去式。
  • "more"中文翻译    adj. 〔many, much 的比较级;最高级是 m ...
  • "beautiful"中文翻译    adj. 1.美,美丽的,美好的;漂亮的,华丽的,优美的 ...
  • "more beautiful" 中文翻译 :    更漂亮
  • "became more lucid" 中文翻译 :    (生病时)变得较为清醒
  • "the struggle became more acute" 中文翻译 :    斗争进一步激化
  • "the problem became even more complicated" 中文翻译 :    问题更复杂了
  • "then the pain became even more acute" 中文翻译 :    痛乃逾甚
  • "a more beautiful you" 中文翻译 :    一个更美的你
  • "she is more than a dog" 中文翻译 :    她 不 只 是 一 只 狗
  • "the flowers make the room more beautiful" 中文翻译 :    花使房间变得更加美了
  • "-more" 中文翻译 :    后缀 更…:furthermore,innermore.但evermore, forevermore, nevermore 等的 -more 仅属加强意义。
  • "and more" 中文翻译 :    甚至更多
  • "be no more" 中文翻译 :    再也不存在了
  • "if not more" 中文翻译 :    如果不是更多
  • "more" 中文翻译 :    n. 莫尔〔姓氏〕。 adj. 〔many, much 的比较级;最高级是 most〕 (opp. less) 1.(数、量、程度等)更多的,较多的,更大的,更好的。 2.〔废语〕(地位、身分等)更高的。 3.另外附加的,其余的,此外,还(有等)。 There was more smoke than fire. 烟多火小。 ★ 1. more 后的名词常略而不言: The more, the merrier. 人愈多愈快活。 2. 〔more than one + 单数名词〕 M- than one person has found it so. 这样想的人不只一个。 One word more 还有一句话。 And what more do you want? 你还要什么(难道还不够吗)? n. 更多的数量[程度];其余的事,附加,添加。 I hope to see more of you. 我希望更多看到你们;我希望再看到你。 M- is meant than meets the ear. 大有言外之意。 adv. 1.〔much 的比较级〕更多,更大。 2.〔形成二音节以上的形容词和副词的比较级〕更,格外〔例: more beautiful(ly)〕。 3.再。 4.反而。 He was more frightened than hurt. 他吓得厉害,伤倒不大。 a little more 再…一点。 all the more 格外,越发,更加。 and no more 不过是…罢了。 (and) what is more 加之,而且。 any more 还;更;〔带否定语〕已经 (Have you any more money? 钱还有没有?)。 more and more 越来越…。 more brave than wise 有勇无谋。 more or less 1. 有几分,有点儿(more or less beautiful 颇有姿色)。 2. 约,左右。 3. 〔在否定语后〕一点也…(I could not afford to ride, more or less. 我根本坐不起车子)。 more than 多过,大过,…以上;比…更(I went more than a mile. 我走了一英里多路。 That is more than I can tell. 那我就不知道了。 more than ten years ago 十几年前)。 more than all 尤其。 more than enough 足够;太多。 more than ever 越发(用功等),更多(的)。 more ... than not (性能、状态)极其,相当,非常;(时间)往往,屡见不鲜。 more than pleased 十分高兴。 much more 更;何况(She knows French, much more English. 她法语也懂,英语就不必说了)。 neither more nor less than 恰,正,不多不少。 never more 决不再。 no more (此后)不再;死了;…也不[没有](He is no more. 他死了)。 no more than 〔than 后接名词〕只,仅仅,不过是 (no more than five 仅五个。 no more than a puppet 不过是个傀儡)。 no more ... than 〔than 引出子句〕和某甲一样不…, 某甲不[是,能]…,某乙也不[是,能]…(He is no more a god than we are. 他和我们一样不是神。 He cannot speak French any more than I can. 我不会讲法语,他也不会讲法语)。 none the more = not the more 虽…仍旧[还是]…。 not any more than =no more than. not more 不再…;不再有,已经没有。 not more than 〔than 后接名词〕不超过,至多(not more than five 最多五个)。 not more ...than 〔than 引出从句〕不比某乙更…(This book is not more expensive than that one. 这本书不比那本书更贵)。 once more 再一次[回]。 one more 还(有)一个,再(来)一个。 or more 或许更多一点,至少(a mile or more 至少一英里)。 some more 再…些。 still more = much more. the more 越发,更。 the more and the less 地位高的和地位低的人。 the more ... because [as, that] 因为…更。 the more ... the more ... 愈…愈,越是…越是(The more I know him, the more I like him. 越是了解他,越是喜欢他)。 what is more = and what is more.
  • "no more" 中文翻译 :    不会再有; 不再(民歌); 不再;不复存在(死了);也不;也没有; 不再;不再存在;也不; 不在有了; 再也不
  • "s’more" 中文翻译 :    一种夹心饼干
  • "the more" 中文翻译 :    越发, 更
  • "the more……the" 中文翻译 :    就越
  • "there is more to it" 中文翻译 :    事情没那么简单
  • "so she was trying everything and more" 中文翻译 :    因此她一次又一次的尝试
  • "cosmetics can make a girl more beautiful" 中文翻译 :    化妆品能使女孩子更漂亮
  • "more and more" 中文翻译 :    或多或少; 愈……愈……; 越来越……;越来越多; 越来越多


  • She becomes more and more beautiful
  • She became more and more beautiful
  • She became more and more beautiful
用"she became more and more beautiful"造句  
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